Monday 17 February 2014

Raffi's 'Baby Beluga' Re-imagined as 'Adult Beluga'

I've mentioned this before, but 'Baby Beluga' by Raffi is, in my opinion, the quintessential children's song. There are millions of adults who grew up with this song as the soundtrack of their bedtime routine (full disclosure: I still listen to this song before I go to bed). Raffi even refers to his adult listeners as his 'Beluga Grads' as part of his Centre for Child Honouring.

Recently in live concerts, Raffi has sometimes adapted the chorus to 'Grown Up Beluga' to encourage people to vote. I've taken this one step further and re-imagined the entire song as 'Adult Beluga'.

The parody of this song is meant to capture what Baby Beluga has grown up to be (a hard working adult taking care of his family). With the moral being: everyone grows up, but that doesn't mean you can't stay young at heart.

Adult Beluga in the big city
Works all day to support his family
Trains roll in and the trains roll out
Gets home to watch the news and have a stout

Adult Beluga, Adult Beluga
Saving up a loan, so they can buy a home
Out in the suburbs

At the office where he earns his pay
Crunching numbers on the screen all day
Calls come in and the calls go out
His phone he can't seem to live without

Adult Beluga, Adult Beluga
Email coming through, just got invited to
Another meeting

In the evening when he's home and fed
Curled up snug in his Ikea bed
Dreams and yearns when his only concern
Was riding to the playground on his bike

Adult Beluga, Adult Beluga
So easy to forget, that you were once a kid
Stay young at heart

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